Globe Memorial utilise our modern equipment and skilled craftmanship to etch anything into a stone surface. Our granite photo etchings stand out as unique and striking additions to any memorial. By collaborating closely with you, we design and build high-quality remembrance pieces that truly reflect the nature of the departed.
Globe Memorial Company frequently provide memorial renovations, refurbishment of inscriptions including refurbish of aged lettering, monument cleaning and repair work.
Everything from traditional styles of V-Cut lettering to modern styles of sandblasting, photo and laser etching, gilding/ 23 carat Gold Leaf, paint filling and lead lettering.
Globe Memorial specialises in a wide range of memorial accessories to enhance and personalise your relatives resting place. We also custom make special extras with the finest attention to detail that reflect cultural and religious beliefs.
Globe Memorial Co Pty Ltd Provides:
Phone: 02 9649 5394
Address: 22-24 Alexander St, Auburn, NSW, 2144